What's Grain Got To Do With It?

Wheat, rye, corn, oats, barley, spelt, buckwheat, millet, sorghum, flax……The original stored energy (BTU-Calories) that humans have used to stabilize communities and build cities, states, nations, empires, families.

12,000 years of history

60% of Calories consumed daily, world wide is grain

Central metaphor in almost every modern and ancient language to describe and unite communities.

A major participant in the creation and cause of most revolutions and wars (Including the present one in Ukraine.) Empires and armies exist only on stomachs full of grain.

The first international commodity to be traded. Oil/gas/coal - Grain, the major stored energy sources, measure in calories, BTU. the energy stored that warms humans and used to drive the community, nation, to build an empire. The building of cities, politics, economics, manipulation of ecologies; biology, technology, globalization, war, peace, human migration, disease, life, death, - all intertwined with stored energy.


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